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Re: Starting Google Chrome - resend

Lisi Reisz wrote at 2013-07-05 17:24 -0500:
> On Friday 05 July 2013 22:41:15 green wrote:
> > Ethan Rosenberg, PhD wrote at 2013-07-05 11:14 -0500:
> > > dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb
> >
> > You have a reason for not using the [nearly identical] "chromium" in
> > Debian main?
> It isn't actually identical, and flash does not work properly on it.  At 
> least, I couldn't get it to update.  Updating was meant to be automatic, but 
> it didn't update far enough for all websites.  Google Chrome does update 
> flash automatically, to the point of being fully usable.

chromium does not include flash, which is non-free and available via
the flashplugin-nonfree package.

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