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Graphics slower in Wheezy than in Squeeze

Hi all,
I've recently upgraded my Debian system from Squeeze to Wheezy, but I
seem to notice that graphical performance has become worse.

In particular, Torcs (car racing game) is now completely unplayable as
it runs at less than 1 frame per second, while it used to run in the
20-50 FPS range depending on the circuit.
Another program of mine which does some OpenGL drawing runs slower
too, although the performance hit is less marked -- about 30%.
I tried also glxgears but the version in Wheezy prints this message:

  Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be
  approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.

so I suppose it is now useless as a performance measuring tool.  If
there's a way to run it non-synchronized I didn't find it.  (For the
record it ran at approx. 700 FPS in Squeeze.)

Can anyone please suggest how to make graphics run faster?

System information:
  Memory     999.8 MiB
  Processor  Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70 GHz x 2
  Graphics   Intel(R) G33 x86/MMX/SSE2
  OS type    32-bit
Output from glxinfo is attached.

Thank you all

Attachment: glxinfo
Description: Binary data

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