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Re: Installation failed - and failed again...

On Sat 02 Mar 2013 at 13:24:06 -0500, Mark Filipak wrote:

> On 2013/3/2 12:37 PM, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:
> >
> >Exactly. Either it was a pertitioning problem, as pointed first by Lisi,
> >and he does not want to admit; or some other random problem, and in this
> >case no one will never know or be able to reproduce it because he can't
> >follow instructions.
> It was not a partitioning problem or some other random problem. There's a bug

This is correct.

> in the GUI Debian Installer packaged with LXDE desktop, ver 6.0.6. I

There is no bug. You are misinterpreting the evidence.

> succeeded simply by running the text-based Debian Installer. No one suggested
> that. I just tried it on a lark. You were too busy finding fault.

Your success was not a result of running the text-based Debian
Installer. Forget about it. Try a bit of lateral, or even vertical,
thinking. You may not realise it but substituting the USB stick you
initially used for a USB hard disc is the crux of the matter.

> During this debacle, as I stated many times, the GUI installer takes over the
> entire screen. I reported what the installer told me when the GRUB installer
> failed. I did not know how to access the syslog. You write that I "can't
> follow instructions." I never got any instructions. "We can't help you if you
> won't tell us what syslog says" is not instructions.

Now that you mention it - what does GRUB report in the syslog when it
fails to install as you described in your very first post? Be daring;
give it a go again, exactly as you related there.

> Very early on, Joao Luis, you wrote that what I was trying to do was
> incredibly complicated and, to paraphrase, I should learn to walk before I
> try to run. That was not constructive advice. It's not complicated. The proof
> is that I succeeded. Of course, to you that just indicates what a troll I am.
> I must have been trolling from the git-go.

You succeeded (which is good) because you changed the install environment.
This neither proves nor disproves anything.

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