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Re: 64 bit Wheezy RAM Limitation

On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 09:56:12AM -0500, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
>    Let me start with a disclaimer - I am not a hardware person!
>    I am using Oracle VirtualBox (v 4.2.6 r82870) as a testbed for Wheezy
>    Testing before upgrading my production linux computer.  The software is
>    installed on my 64 bit Dell Inspiron laptop with 8 GB of RAM running MS
>    Win
>    7 Professional as the primary OS.
>    With a couple of exceptions that I attribute to a less than complete
>    understanding of the VirtualBox environment, Wheezy is performing well.
>    It was with a fair amount  of surprise that I discovered, entirely by
>    chance, that according to KInfoCenter that the system is using only 4.47
>    GB of total physical memory!!!
>    Googling 'Debian Wheezy 64 bit memory limitation' only turn up references
>    to Squeezy and the Debian Handbook doesn't seem to address the issue.
>    I would greatly appreciate being pointed to any sources of information
>    about this issue. 

Just a quick check, have you told VirtualBox that you'd like the guest
to be 64-bit? When creating a VM, you typically tell VirtualBox what
kind of OS will be installed. For Debian, there will be TWO entries:
"Debian" and "Debian (64 bit)". The first will HIDE your CPU's 64-bit
capabilities from the Guest OS (Wheezy).

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