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Re: Mic. and softphones [was Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop].

Good time of the day, Camaleón.

You wrote:

> > Then, Ekiga - diver versions + other versions of sound software?
> > Just ideas.
> Yes, it can be a mix of all them. 
> Whatever, I find it very close to a regression but of course to prove 
> that point I would have to do the same testing in the same machine :-)

That's what I was about to suggest.

> >> 3 on 3 fails. Wow. I love Linux >:-P
> > 
> > Yet I really love Linux! Just more work needed, more
> > packagers/testers. May, w/ a time I will maintain a package but not
> > for now. But I try to report bugs when notice, though it seems a
> > problem: where to send - often maintainers would not accept it
> > advicing me to talk to developers directly (in my opinion it should
> > not be - because sometimes registration is required for that - that
> > the maintainers for sure have whereas common users - don't). Report
> > just will be lost, and nobody will benefit from it. - It is the
> > rising power of free software, being put down for diver reasons -
> > like that simple denial.
> Reporting bugs is (more times than I like) discouraging but I find it
> a must to make things better, regardless the result of the report
> (fixed/ won't fix/closed/forwarded upstream...).

Right, also "people come, people go" and therefore we never know what
their reflection will be. So, it is worth to try.

> >> > And I saw no more soft phones in Debian from repo.s.
> >> 
> >> There are more (yate, twinkle) but sadly not available for
> >> wheezy :-(
> > 
> > Out of repos/debian security testing is an issue for me here. -
> > Unless I make a VM where I will use all such programs from diver
> > sources.
> That's being a bit paranoic but won't convince to do otherwise. 
> For instance, I do trust Mozilla, LibreOffice repositories (or even
> the kernel sources) as much as I trust Debian's. Of course, I would
> not install a single file in my main system coming from a unknown/
> unreferenced site that provides a ".deb" :-)

I'm really a bit (lot? :o) paranoid - but it comes from sad experience.
> >> > So far, ekiga is the best option for me, and I would say, most
> >> > comfortable its GUI comparing w/ the above.
> >> 
> >> Errr, yes. Although I find more confortable/easy to use the old
> >> interface.
> > 
> > I didn't see those. What do You miss in  new version?
> I miss the way the main window shows the elements, now it's
> confusing. I think I get less information than using the old Ekiga.

Yes, I got same feelings - though I'm new to it - because I think there
are not enough options to choose from or to configure, and it misses
log - to observe connections.

> Maybe is that I'm confusing the terms, let's see... Yes, I can have a 
> normal conversation within Ekiga (I hear the called person's voice
> and he can hear mine and also can take an "echo" test, sound is
> cranky and distorted but it works) what does not work is Ekiga or
> gnome-sound- recorder outputing my one voice from my system speakers
> while I speak.

OK, now it's clear. So echo service proves ability to be heard by
called person!

> In other words: I can't play karaoke but still can have a
> conversation using a softphone :-)

OK. I got it, thanks.


> >> > OK. Thank You. I just would not install software from non-debian
> >> > repo.s. In case I will move it to a VM, then I will try it,
> >> > though do not know when.
> >> 
> >> Fair, but the problem is that not all the packages are available
> >> for all of the flavours :-(
> > 
> > I know, that's why I'll keep fighting w/ Ekiga - as the best option
> > for Debian currently - the most developed out of Debian available.
> > Until new phones come into Debian. Or much time will pass and I
> > will maintain one in Debian.
> Yes, but when something fails is time to jump (or at least consider) 
> another options. Odd thing is that Ekiga (the upstream package) is at 
> 3.2.7, the same version it had Squeeze and Wheezy/Sid... there have
> been no updates for a couple of years? :-?

OK. Good advice. I will think what to do - probably, I will try the
ones You suggested in a VM - will see how well sound card will work

I think let's finish here - as we have considered all available
options, seems to me.

I thank You very much for You precious to me help!


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