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Re: IP address depending on the MAC

Javier, thank you for your input. It seems that your solution should work. The file /etc/network/interfaces should only be modified early enough. I will give it a try!

Thank you again!

On 02.10.2011 20:52, Javier Barroso wrote:

2011/10/2 Ireneusz Szcześniak<irek.szczesniak@gmail.com>:

I'm planning to install an image of Debian to a number of computers. Each of
these computers will have the same configuration except the hostname and the
IP address.  The IP configuration has to be static. I can't use a DHCP

QUESTION; Is there a way to assign a hostname and a static IP address at
boot time depending on the MAC address of the computer's network interface
If you know which macs you will have, you can make an init script
which generate /etc/network/interface and /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts
the first boot and then remove itself.


$ cat /etc/machines
mac1 ip1 hostname1
macN ipN hostname N

$ cat /etc/init.d/10setnetworkonlyfirstboot
mymac=$(ip add show dev eth0 | awk '/ether/ {print $2}')
myhost=$(awk "/$mymac/ {print \$3}")
myip=$(awk "/$mymac/ {print \$2}")

sed -i "s/IP/$myip" /etc/network/interfaces # and probably some
changes in /etc/hosts
sed -i "s/HOSTNAME/$myhost" /etc/hostname # and probably some changes
in /etc/hosts
rm -f /etc/init.d/10setnetworkonlyfirstboot

$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
           address IP
           network xxx
           gateway yyy

$ cat /etc/hostname

Do you think this is a good approach ? It is not very elegant, but
maybe it works.


Ireneusz (Irek) Szczesniak

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