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Re: Restart always restarts with kexec

On Thu, 2011-06-02 at 19:45 +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> On 2011-06-02 19:02 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > Hi :)
> >
> > after building and installing a kernel-rt  a restart will always restart
> > with kexec.
> >
> > The whole story:
> > I started with a clean Debian stable install, now it should be a clean
> > testing install, but I guess it's an uncertain mix.
> > I'm just about going to do a fresh Debian testing install, because now I
> > know, that I need the testing release and I will avoid a confusing mix.
> >
> > For example, with driver "nouveau" for xorg.conf I'm able to use kernel
> > 2.6.38-2-amd64 from the repositories, with driver "vesa" I'm able to use
> > a self build kernel I can't test if both would be ok with
> > driver "nv", because there isn't such a driver for the installed version
> > of X. Hence I guess it's better to do a fresh install of Debian testing,
> > than fixing this and perhaps additional issues, that will appear soon or
> > later, regarding to an uncertain mix.
> A fresh install of testing is not going to solve this problem, because
> the nouveau X driver in testing requires kernel 2.6.34 or later.  If you
> need the 2.6.33 RT kernel, you have to make do with vesa or fbdev (or
> use the NVidia blob).
> I cannot help with the kexec problem, sorry.
> Sven

Thank you very much,

the vesa driver doesn't enable what I need. I don't need "nouveau"
either. I wish to get xorg-video-nv, but the available version conflicts
with the current installed X.

I suspect the proprietary nvidea driver not to build, when using the
current real-time patch.

But perhaps I should try to solve this issue and not install Debian
testing, since this until now, seems to be the only conflict.



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