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Re: repos for squeeze as a base install.

Andrei wrote:

> $ apt-cache policy
> [snip]
>    1 http://www.backports.org lenny-backports/main Packages
>      release o=Debian Backports,a=lenny-backports,l=Debian
> Backports,c=main origin www.backports.org
> [snip]
> The correct origin is "Debian Backports" according to o=...

Yea, right. But can You show the command line for the aptitude?
I have tried this:

/usr/bin/aptitude search ~O 'Debian Backports'

/usr/bin/aptitude search ~O Debian\ Backports

/usr/bin/aptitude search ~O Debian Backports

- all returned same bunch of packages that lets me think I have not
  achieved my goal.

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