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Re: Two Lenny problems

On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 23:16:01 -0500 (EST), Cecil Knutson wrote:
> Stephen Powell wrote:
>> I was going to suggest trying a different sound card on your existing
>> system.  But it's your call.
> That is a good idea.  I'll look to see what I have.  Am I right to assume  
> that the installation will have to be repeated in order to get the sound  
> card recognized and configured?

Probably not.  Do a clean shutdown and power-off, remove the "old" sound card,
insert the "new" sound card, power-on, boot Lenny, login as root, then run

   dpkg-reconfigure -plow alsa-base alsa-utils

Then shutdown and reboot.
That should do it.  You might not even have to run dpkg-reconfigure, but
run it anyway just for good measure.  One thing you don't want to do is
to insert a sound card that uses the same driver as the sound chip on the
motherboard.  The driver is still blacklisted.

> Stephen Powell wrote:
>> You know, it could just be that something went wrong with the original
>> installation.  Remember, you had hangs in epiphany-browser and iceweasel.
>> I've never seen that before.
> Yeah, but Opera has had delays, but not nearly as long as Epiphany or  
> Iceweasel, so it is hard to tell what the problem may be.  And every time  
> I change the "To" from your address to the debian-user address, I get  
> multiple syntax errors from Opera (for that message and every one sent or  
> received afterwards) which I never got before; and I have never succeeded  
> in downloading YouTube videos here that were no problem in Pennsylvania,  
> so it is possible that the internet connection has something to do with it.

Just out of curiosity, where is "here".  In other words, where are you
physically located?  And what type of internet connectivity do you have?
async dial-up?  cable modem?  DSL?

> Stephen Powell wrote:
>> Most Windows installations I've seen have one big "C" drive which
>> takes up the whole hard disk, leaving no room for installing anything
>> else.
> It has been years and years since I last had one, big "C" drive for a  
> Windows installation.  Mainly due to virus considerations.  For about the  
> last ten years or so my usual protocol is to divide the disk into at least  
> three partitions (OS, Swap/Temp, Programs), but usually at least five  
> partitions.  I have been able to clear trojan virus problems by deleting  
> the OS partition only (which saves all my personal info and driver files),  
> and the separate Swap/Temp partition eliminates a lot of the fragmentation  
> of the "C" drive.  The multiple partitions of Debian is one of the  
> features that first attracted me to the OS.  Oh! and multiple partitions  
> makes disk maintenance so much easier.

Well, whether it is one partition or multiple partitions, the point is that
the Debian installer has the ability to shrink down and move existing
partitions, making room to install Linux without wiping Windows.  Of course,
I should issue the standard disclaimer that you should back up your hard
drive, just in case.  A software bug or a power failure during the shrink
or move operation could trash the partition.  But the worst case scenario
is no worse than if you had wiped Windows and started all over.  I'm pretty
sure that you are still limited to a maximum of four partitions (four primary
or three primary and one extended).  But the extended partition can have
multiple logical drives, and you can install pieces of Linux in both primary
partitions and logical drives.

> Stephen Powell wrote:
>> In that case, you might want to try buying a computer with Debian
>> pre-installed.  See http://www.debian.org/distrib/pre-installed.
>> This list is probably not exhaustive or up-to-date but will give
>> you a good start.
> I have looked several times at ready-to-use Debian systems but I have  
> never had money to spare for computers and I still don't.  The only reason  
> I ever got into them in the first place is because my brother, as a  
> professional engineer, wanted a 386 machine to run AutoCAD instead of his  
> 8088, so I bought the 8088 from him as a favor.  I did pay $20 for a Mac  
> G4 once, but that is it.  All the rest have been hand-me-downs or salvaged.

I hear you.  I have one hand-me-down machine and several bought used.
None are new.  None of my monitors are new either.  They all all throw-aways
or give-aways.  (All are CRTs, none are LCDs.)

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