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Re: 64Bit installation on a 500 GB Sata DRIVE

thveillon.debian wrote:
> Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
>> Frank Lin PIAT wrote:
>>> But unless you have a specific need to use stick to 32bit kernel
>>> (driver, old application [in]compatibility), it is wise to move to
>>> 64bits.
>> Why?
>> I know that 64bit is the future. I have the feeling, however, that many
>> applications are still better supported on 32bit than on 64bit. This
>> applies especially for multimedia, web pages and viewing certain
>> restricted pdfs, but I have often regretted the decision to move one of
>> my workstations to 64bit, just because it adds more hassle than it gains
>> in performance.
>> Of course this is just my humble opinion. It may work for others.
>> So, again: What is the advantage of running 64bit that warrants the
>> extra hassle?
>> Cheers,
>> Johannes
> Hi,
> I have all the systems I use/admin in 64bits (amd64), it's mainly Debian
> and Ubuntu, I don't feel any "hassle" anymore. It used to be a problem
> for a few web pluggins and a few semi-deprecated programs, but not
> anymore. Most systems are multimedia workstations, everything works very
> well, including flash (native 64bits), Java (native 64bits), all
> possible codecs (w64codecs and more), Mplayer, Xine, Blender...

I'm glad it works for you. I maintain that there are some sites and some
plugins that won't work correctly on amd64, while they work fine on x86.

Last time I tried virtualbox, would not start that proprietary OS on
amd64, either.

> Regarding performances, it's sometimes just the same, often much faster,
> never slower, so no reason to look back to i386 for me. There's many
> comparison floating around, especially on www.phoronix.com, you can have
> a look at this Ubuntu vs Fedora roundup
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_810_vs_fedora_10&num=4

Are you sure, that the x86 tests were carried out with the amd64-kernel
for x86? I am sure that 686-kernels will be outperformed by
amd64-kernels. My golden compromise between performance and usability is
a amd64 kernel with 32-bit userland.

If it's really the amd64-kernel on x86 that's outperformed, I'd start to

> I imagine the performance gain should be even more sensible with some
> databases or intensive scientific number-crushing apps.

After the recent change of German copyright (Urheberrecht), libraries
started to send copy-protected pdf's that require a closed source
DRM-plugin, which is only available for i386. So, what you gain in speed
by improved number-crunching, might be lost by not being able to study
the scientific literature :-(

[Of course, I would prefer to read the literature without the need of
non-free software! ]


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