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Re: How to turn sound on by default?

On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 08:54:03PM +0100, Robert Latest wrote:
> Hello there,
> when I want to use sound on my computer, I always have to start the
> (GUI app) "gnome-alsamixer" and un-mute it. Even on the Gnome desktop
> it's not enough to click off the little red mute symbol next to the
> loudspeaker in the upper right corner, no, I also have to go
> explicitly through alsamixer.
> Is there a command-line tool that I could put into an /etc/rc.local
> script that turns on the sound automatically?
> Thanks,
> robert
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You should be able to use alsactl(1) for this task. However, on the
machine I have used the default scripts save the sound state on shutdown
and restore it on startup.

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