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RE: ntp not any more supported in Debian or did I miss something?

@ Johannes
Thanks for the links and information.

>OpenBSD has on-line man pages.  Their man pages are the definitive
>documentation.  Why not go to www.openbsd.org, click on man pages, run
>an apropos of ntp and read all the relavant man pages.  You will
>probably find that it will do everything you need.  Then you can
>Debian's port of it.

I have been doing some research on it and have already installed it on
this new system. I guess I was kind of hoping for community feed back on
what others were doing who previously relied on ntpd. Sometimes
replacement packages for software are better then the original.
Sometimes they are worse. Since I rely on NTP so much I can't really
afford to be on the worse side of things :-)

Anyway, the short story on my point of view is if the community is
moving onwards then I will too as long as I don't lose any
functionality. However, if this is just a short term problem and the ntp
package I use will be back then there is no reason for me to spend time
learning a new software package that I won't use. Since packages pop in
and out of testing all of the time I was hoping for the latter but
preparing for the first.

Thanks guys!

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