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Re: xen kernel security

Hi Frank,

On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 02:33:38PM +0200, Frank wrote:
> I'm wondering about the old xen kernel. What's about the security 
> patches which are implemented in the standard kernel? Do the debian xen 
> packages contains this patches or is it only the old kernel

Debian's Xen kernel is the same as Debian's normal kernel, but with
xen patches also.  So Debian's Xen kernel contains the same security
patches as the non-xen kernel.

> Is the debian xen kernel the same as the official xen 
> kernel?

Most likely not as xensource distributes only an old kernel with xen
patches, and does not keep it up to date with security patches as
debian's kernel team does.  It's one of the main reasons why you'd
use your (OS) vendor's Xen kernel rather than xensource's.


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