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Snmpwalk: Timeout: No Response from (was: "Re: I hope You are satisfied now :))

dunkel <antal.pettermann@gmail.com>:
>  The original problem was:
>  "However if I run "snmpwalk -v 1 -c public system" on the
>  stable box, with the IP address of the testing box, i get:
>  Timeout: No Response from
>  snmpd is up and running, I can ping both ways, there are no firewalls
>  in place. What could be wrong?"
>  The solution is:
>  open snmpd.conf with your favourite editor and
>  add these 2 lines:
>  interface eth0
>  agentaddress [ip address of your host]:[listening port -  161 is the default] 


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