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Re: Wireless roaming/configuration

Hello Christopher

Thanks a lot for your help. I thought, that wpa_supplicant is the way
to go, but could not find anything about WEP configuration. So, thanks
for pointing it out. With your help and several hours of hard thinking,
I made it work (I think)

I could not locate the description of the switches, for example what is


I have only hex key not text. But what if I want to use a text string
instead of hex?

Thanks for your kind help


--- Christopher Nelson <chris@cavein.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 02, 2006 at 07:41:10PM -0700, Z F wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> > 
> > I can not seem to figure out how to configure wireless roaming.
> > That is, I would like to describe several networks with their WEP
> keys
> > and
> > ESSIDs. The goal is that as soon as available network is detected a
> > connection is made.
> Should be doable.
> > It seems to me that waproamd is the right package for the job.
> Never
> > the less, I can not seem to make it work. waproamd gives me this
> error:
> > 
> > SIOCGIWRANGE failed: Argument list too longShutdown
> I apologise, I don't have any experience with this program.
> > I also noticed that latest wireless tools available are v17.
> However,
> > the kernel 2.6.13 provides v18 support. It is not clear if v18 is
> > backwards compatible with v17 and if this could be aproblem.
> The kernel provides Wireless Extensions (wext) 18, which is different
> than wireless-tools version number, but even oldstable has version 23
> so
> I'm not sure that's what you're talking about.  Are you running
> stable,
> testing, or unstable?
> > Also, I saw on waproamd web site that it has been superceeded by 
> > wpa_supplicant. This uses WPA and WPA2  method. But I have WEP so
> what
> > should I do? What are the options?
> You can use wpa_supplicant for WEP.  I do.  What I did was make the
> key-mgmt NONE and set wep_key0 XXXX instead of WPA-PSK or the like.
> > One last point, I do not have KDE or GNOME installed. Do I need
> them
> > for
> > the wireless configuration or it is possible to do it without it?
> It's quite possible to do it from the command line (how I did it), or
> perhaps there's apps in GNOME or KDE to do it, I don't know about
> them--I just editted /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and
> /etc/networking/interfaces by hand.
> > Thanks for your input
> To get at your initial question, to choose different networks in
> wpa_supplicant, you can just list them in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf in
> your desired order and they will be tried one after another until one
> works or they all fail.
> Here's a snippet of my /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf:
> network={
> 	ssid="example"
> 	bssid=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
> 	scan_ssid=0
> 	key_mgmt=NONE
> 	auth_alg=SHARED
> 	wep_key0=XXXXXXXX
> 	wep_tx_keyidx=0
> }
> If you're using unstable's, there's more that's involved in getting
> /etc/wpa_supplicant read -- /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes
> explains it, or ask.
> -- 
> Christopher Nelson -- chris@cavein.org
> What is food to one, is to others bitter poison.
> 		-- Titus Lucretius Carus
> -- 
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