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Re: Why does dynamic memory allocation take so long?

Scotty Fitzgerald wrote:
I was wondering why dynamic memory allocation took so long?

I am getting back into programming, and thought that a good first program to return to was to fool around with finding
prime numbers.  Since I did not know how many possible factors
I would need to generate, I started a type with a long integer
and a memory pointer, and every time I generated a new prime
number I added it to a list.  I discovered that to do this
15,000 times took about 45 seconds. Since at the time I was doing this in order to beat a brute force technique that was stupidly looping though 333,333,333 million iterations, I found my new routine to be a real dog. At this point I will
be rewriting to use an array with a depth of 30,000,000, which
takes up about 250mb of memory, but allocates in a snap.

I left out that I am programming in Pascal using GPC. But I don't think this is really relevant as I am sure that my use of Pascal's new() somehow calls a linux memory allocation routine. I am guessing that there is some automatic memory
garbage collection scheme that is a real dog to set up.

Well, dynamically allocating memory _is_ quite slow, but 45 seconds for 15000 items seems excessive. I tried it in C using a small program, and it is _much_ faster:

$ time ./many_allocs 15000 > primes

real    0m0.013s
user    0m0.010s
sys     0m0.000s

Mind you, it doesn't really create primes. It just creates a listed link with 15000 items, prints the data part of all nodes to stdout and frees all items in the list.

I would expect C to be somewhat faster than Pascal, but the difference between 45 seconds and 0.013 seconds is, well, ridiculously large. I guess there must be something wrong somewhere...

Maybe it would help to post your code?

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

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