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Re: Can't use kb3 to copy cd's.

On Friday 05 November 2004 15:21, Damon wrote:
> Justin Guerin wrote:
> >On Thursday 04 November 2004 16:09, Damon Chesser wrote:
> >>I have two devices: hdc > cd writer, hdd > cd reader.  I can play audio
> >>cd's from hdd, I can mount cd's with mp3's and play them.  I can burn
> >>ISO's on hdc or make data cd's with hdc using k3b.  I never or almost
> >>never copy a cd.  When I tried copying a cd from hdd to hdc via k3b,
> >> k3b reports the cd is empty medium.  Different cd's, different types
> >> of data.  Correct devices set up in k3b, using generic-mmc for cdrdao
> >> driver for the burner and the reader.  Problem pursists as root or
> >> user.  What am I missing?  I have R&R'd the reader with a different
> >> reader, same problem.  If you need more info, please ask, I have tried
> >> to provide as much as needed.
> >>
> >>--
> >>Damon L. Chesser
> >>damon@damtek.com
> >
> >You might want to rearrange your hardware after reading about the -immed
> >option in the cdrecord man page:
> >-immed Tell cdrecord to set the SCSI IMMED flag  in  certain  commands
> >(load/eject/blank/close_track/close_session).   This  can  be  useful on
> >broken systems with ATAPI harddisk and CD/DVD writer on the same bus or
> >with SCSI systems that don't use disconnect/reconnect.  These systems
> > will freeze while blanking or  fixating  a  CD/DVD  or  while  a DVD
> > writer is filling up a session to the minimum amount (approx. 800 MB).
> >              Setting the -immed flag will request the command to return
> >immediately while the  operation  proceeds in the background,  making 
> > the bus  usable  for  the other devices and avoiding the system freeze.
> >  This is an experimental feature which may work or not, depending on
> > the model of the CD/DVD writer.  A correct solution would be to set up
> > a correct cabling but there seem to be notebooks around that have been
> > set up the wrong way by the manufacturer.  As it is impossible to fix
> > this problem in notebooks, the  -immed  option has been added.
> >              A  second  experimental  feature  of the -immed flag is to
> >tell cdrecord to try to wait short times while writing to the media.
> > This is expected to free the IDE bus if the CD/DVD writer and the data 
> > source are connected  to  the  same IDE cable. In this case, the CD/DVD
> > writer would otherwise usually block the IDE bus for nearly all the
> > time making it impossible to fetch data from the source drive.  See 
> > also  minbuf= and -v option.
> >
> >              Use  both  features at your own risk.  If it turns out
> > that it would make sense to have a separate option for the wait
> > feature, write to the author and convince him.
> >
> >Hope that helps,
> >Justin Guerin
> It kinda helps :)  I am not (or am not supposed to be using) scisi
> emulation.  I am using a image from debian, so maybe somehow
> scsi is emulating, only the devices do show up as hdd and hdc, both on
> the same controler.  How can I check for scsi emulation.  I don't think
> I can turn it off in the kernel as I use a thumb drive which does show
> up as a scsi device (sda1 FWIW).  I am leaning toward a kernel config
> problem, but I don't know what it would be.

Did you try copying the CD with the -immed flag?  If so, what happened?

Did you try moving your CD writer (or reader) to the other IDE bus?  If so, 
what happened?

SCSI emulation is not your problem.  Your problem is having the reader and 
writer on the same IDE bus.  However, to check for SCSI emulation, check 
your boot loader to see if you've appended the option hdx=ide-scsi.  Given 
that you're accessing the drives as hdc and hdd, which are IDE device 

Justin Guerin

p.s. please reply to the list, as I'm subscribed and more people can help 
than just me.

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