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Re: Unidentified subject!

On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 02:02:59PM +0100, vincent.tournebise@free.fr wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm a Linux newbie. Been trying RedHat, Fedora, Mandrake distros and finally
> thought of something more serious so here I am. So far I was used to go for an
> Ext3 filesystem for my 'root' and 'home' partitions. Very convenient, as I
> don't know a lot about the other exotic filesystems available with Linux.
> But here, installing a very freshly downloaded set of Debian cd's, the installer
> did not offer me the 'EXT3' choice. The best I could get was 'EXT2'. How comes ?
> By the way I find it kind of awkward that the default kernel offered by Debian
> is a 2.2 (a pain in the arse if you think about setting up a sound device, as
> Alsa is not included).
> Could anyone enlighten me with some explanation ?

If you enter bf24 at the boot: prompt it'll boot the installer using
kernel 2.4.18 with ext3 support as a module.


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