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Re: ext3 journal problem

Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
There is a faulty ext3 journal on my Debian desktop system (currently on laptop),
blocking booting or e2fsck.
The precipating event may have been the copying of a tarball to /root/ which exceeded Root's reserve space.
The shut down appeared normal, but the reboot failed.

I have an alternate RedHat partition for developement purpuses.
When I try to fsck  the Debian /dev/sda2 therefrom,
there is a complaint about the Journal and fsck quits.

How could I disable the ext3 Journal, so that the file system could be more directly FSCKed?

I believe this would be tune2fs. The -0 option should allow you to clear the has_journal option of the filesystem. According to the man page, it appears that prefixing the option with '^' will clean the option (whereas '+' will set the option). On my reading of the man page, "tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda2" might be what you want.

But I can't recommend this as I have never encountered your problem myself. See whether something along these lines isn't what seems to you to be what you need.

It sounds like an unappealing situation either way.


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