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Re: Upgrade loses network card

Now that worked! great! thanks Derrick

When googling I did not notice a reference to kernel versions for the
module names that is why I was trying rtl8139. Didn't see 8139too. So

For future reference 2.4.x kernel: network card info:

 D-Link System RTL8139 - driver mod name = 8139too
 3com 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado] - driver mod name = 3c59x

On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 01:57:07PM -0300, Philip Pinkerton wrote:
|| It is a D-Link System RTL8139. I try to find it. BUT
|| when I run insmod rtl8139 it say no sutch module.

|The module name, as of kernel 2.4, is '8139too'.  In kernel 2.2 it was
|called 'rtl8139'.  (I have one of those D-Link cards - the PCMCIA
|model - in the laptop at work)

|| What is weird my other system has a 3com 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado] BUT
|| I need to install the 3c59x driver before it will work?

|Yes, '3c59x' is the module name for all 3c90x cards and 3c59x cards.
|(As opposed to the 3c509 module which is for the older ISA 3Com cards,
|which I have set up in one system or another))

On Fri, 2004-04-02 at 13:50, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 12:18:50PM -0300, Philip Pinkerton wrote:
> | I can install Sarge just fine network and all.
> | 
> | When I change to unstable(sid) and apt-update/dist-upgrade
> | 
> | and re-boot the system can no longer fine the network hardware.
> | 
> | So nowwww I need to re-install again from scratch ?
> What is your network hardware?  You can just load the kernel module
> for it manually or list it in /etc/modules and go from there.  You do
> not -have- to reinstall from scratch.
> If you have no idea what your network hardware is, then run the
> command 'lspci' and it will provide a clue.  Then search with google
> to find out what kernel module contains the driver for your particular
> card.
> -D

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