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Re: mouse wheel doesn't work

On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 11:05:56PM +0100, Jordi Carrillo wrote:
| Hi all,
| My mouse wheel doesn't work under Debian sarge.
| While installing Debian, it asked about the wheel and
| I said yes to the question.

I don't know what question that was ... ... maybe its even a bug in

| What can I do to make the mouse wheel work?

If (*IF*) your mouse uses the IMPS/2 protocol then
    edit /etc/gpm.conf and set
        you may also need to set
        depending on the type of mouse you have (you didn't say ...)
    edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and change the relevant mouse section
        to contain
            Protocol "IMPS/2"
            Device   "/dev/gpmdata"

Restart gpm and X.  If that doesn't work, give a few more details - ie
what mouse you have and what is currently in /etc/gpm.conf and


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