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Re: FetchMail

# Configuration created Wed Aug 14 16:12:17 2002 by fetchmailconf
set postmaster "jmak"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
set daemon 30
poll imap.sun.ac.za with proto IMAP
       user '13596128' there with password '   ' is '13596128' here

I just saw a thread mentioning exim is needed? 
How does fetchmail then work? Does it check mail and pass it to
another program to manage data?


On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 16:38, Johann Spies wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 14, 2002 at 04:22:53PM +0200, Kotzé JMA <13596128@sun.ac.za> wrote:
> > This is most probably a dum question, but I have configured
> > fetchmail as a normal user for an imap server. Where can I find the
> > email it downloaded? Did it download the email?
> What does your .fetchmailrc look like?
> Johann
> -- 
> Johann Spies          Telefoon: 021-808 4036
> Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch
>      "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace,
>       that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in 
>       time of need."           Hebrews 4:16 
> -- 
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