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RE: start script

On 02-Jul-2002 LRoland@web.de wrote:
> Hi
> I created successfully a script in the directory /etc/init.d/ and can 
> run this script with "script start" or "script reload" etc.
> I made a link (S45scriptname) in the /etc/rc2.d/ directory to this 
> script (and later also a in /etc/rcS ) - but if I boot my Debian Linux 
> box, the script will not be executed.

choose either rcS or rc2, no sense running it twice ....

> I assume that I miss something here. Is there an entry necessary 
> in a configuration file? Is there a documentation about the whole 
> boot process on a Debian box?

you have done everything you needed to do.  I presume the file in /etc/init.d
has the correct permissions and is chmod +x.

One thing to consider is you need to set PATH in the script or none of your
calls to system commands will work.  If you add "echo 'did this work'" to the
script right after the #!/bin/sh line do you see the echo?

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