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Re: Console login prompt & other basics

On Mon, 01 Jul 2002 16:28:11 -0500, Kent West wrote:

>Venkatesh, PC wrote:

>> 5.  Overall, what would help me are: (i) some notes on Debian's installation
>> "rules", logic, etc; (ii) features unique to Debian vis-a-vis other Linux
>> distros; (iii) following up on (ii), notes on configuration, startup
>> scripts---location; whether they  deviate from other Linux distros [as seems
>> to be with xdm above], etc.  E.g., the "User Guide" [under books] seemed
>> pretty helpful, but was no help in my problem with the Potato release.  
>Potato is old, very old. Unless you have some reason not to, I'd 
>recommend that you upgrade to Woody (or even Sid, if you don't mind 
>getting bloody every once in a while). The rest of this question is 
>pretty involved; think I'll leave it for someone else to tackle.

Debian tries very hard to put things in the Right Place (tm), adhering
to "Filesystem Hierarchy Standard" <http://www.pathname.com/fhs/>.  This
should be distribution agnostic.  For further reading on FHS, see ch.
35, "Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition" by Sheer.  This is also
available online at http://rute.sourceforge.net/.  Sheer is kind to
Debian, calling it clean, logical and easy to use.  He seems to think
that apt is the best thing since sliced bread.

It is interesting to note that as one evil empire (generic) fell,
another Evil Empire (tm)  began its nefarious rise. -- gt
Coincidence?  I think not.

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