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OpenOffice apt install problem

I posted this on debian-openoffice, but haven't got a response yet. I thought maybe someone here might know the answer:

I've been going over the archives, but I can't find the answer to installing OO.

I used apt-get and it installed fine with a couple of other required applications. But there is no way to start it.

I noticed one person noted that they had to move the .openoffice directory from the /root directory, and then changing ownership to the directory. However, there is no .openoffice directory under /root on my computer, so I don't know.

I would appreciate any feedback.


PS. I wish to add. Whether I try to run openoffice as root or self, I get the following message:

/usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstlport_gcc.so.4.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory /usr/bin/openoffice:
/root/.openoffice/soffice: No such file or directory

PPS. Looking at one of the letters in the archive, I decided to install libstlport4.5-dev (I believe that's the exact title).
Now I get the following error when I try to run openoffice:

/usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin: relocation error: ./libsal.so.3: undefined symbol: _ZN4_STL12__node_allocILb1ELiOEE11_M_allocateEj
/usr/bin/openoffice: /root/.openoffice/soffice: No such file or directory

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