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Re: Pause

On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 01:23:42PM -0500, dman wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 10:34:34AM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> | ...unless your boot process concludes with something very verbose
> | (such as the md subsystem) spewing >8kB of useless messages which
> | drive everything else out of dmesg's buffer.
> In which case
>     less /var/log/messages
> will show you everything.

Cool...  Hadn't noticed that it ended up there too.  Debian uses
/var/log/messages for so little that I never bothered to look
there.  Still a minor problem with it in that logs get rotated and
/var/log/messages gets rotated into /dev/null after a month or so (and,
even if it's there, it might be in one of the other /var/log/messages*
files), though.  It would be nice to have a permanent record of messages
from the most recent boot (along the lines of /var/log/dmesg, but with
the full list regardless of size instead of just what fits in dmesg's
buffer) regardless of uptime, but, in the real world, a record that
lasts for a month is usually sufficient.

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