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RE: Canon USB

I'm very disappointed in Canon. They even have an official message on the
Belgian site stating that Linux/other os's are and will not be supported by
Canon. Users who seek to use canon USB scanners on other os's should rely on
third party drivers wich are in NO WAY supported by Canon.

I've also read (dunno where) that Canon is giving these 3rd party (eg. sane)
developers a REALLY hard time.

Damned kapitalists,


-----Original Message-----
From: serge delorme [mailto:sdelorme@megacom.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 10:49 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Canon USB

Le mercredi 31 jan. 2001 à 09:36:12 +0100, Joris Lambrecht a écrit:
> Hi,
> I've recently aquired a Canon D660U USB Scanner wich works great, BUT not
> with Linux. I did not bother to check this because at the time i worked
> Windows 2000 Professional. Does anyone know of an effort to support this
> other _Canon_ USB Scanners in Linux ? Canon itself seems very reluctant to
> post ANY information on Linux Support :-(

We are stuck with unsupported hardware...
>From the man-page for the sane-project:
( http://www.mostang.com/sane/man/sane-canon.5.html)

" No parallel port and USB scanners are supported and there"
" are no plans to support them in the future."

> Also, this scanner does not show in USBView, it just reports an error on
> /proc/....

I have a N650U which reports OK with USBView, do you have another USB device
on your system and if so does it shows as it should?
> Feedback would be very much appreciated,
> Joris

Serge Delorme	<sdelorme@megacom.net>
Un autre utilisateur GNU/DEBIAN

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