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Re: rdate fails Y2K

On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Brian Servis wrote:

> The 19100 problem is the result of sloppy programming.  There is a c
> library call that returns the year as the number of years from 1900,
> also used in perl's Time::Local.  Authors were using that as the two
> digit year or just appending it to 19(not adding), so you are either 
> seeing dates like 1/1/100 or years of 19100. I highly doubt if the 
> NIST folks were doing that. But you never know!
> Brian Servis

The problem was reported by someone using Windows that was using a program
to sync their clock to someone else over the net. They did not say which
program or which remote server they were using but I suspect it might have
been something like Tardis on the Windows machine ... but who knows which

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