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Re: icewm

On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Rick Knebel wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been using gnome-session to run gnome and enlightenment.
> I wanted to try icewm-gnome.
> How can i switch to this jsut for one specific user and not make it global.
> I tried copying the Xsession file to my home directory and renaming it
> .Xsession but it seems to ignore this.

Have you tried .xsession (with small 'x')? If that doesn't work, maybe it
has to be executable.

Lars Erik

Lars Erik Kolden			http://bug.fix.no
+47 22 18 71 79				l.e.kolden@hfstud.uio.no
+47 22 02 53 18			

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