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Re: moving apache from slackware to debian & tools

On Wed, 3 Dec 1997, Rick Hawkins wrote:

> I've figured out enough of where everything is to get the web server running, 
> and it indeed comes up with the pages correctly.  However, I don't have the 
> tool type of file working for some reason.  Instead of executing, their text 
> merely loads.  And these are generally suid scripts; these are to manage mail 
> accounts and such.

The default apache configuration that Debian installs has the root web at
/var/www and the cgi-bin directory in /usr/lib/cgi-bin.  CGI isn't enabled
anywhere else, the option to enable CGI for the entire filesystem in in

Scott K. Ellis <storm@gate.net>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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