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pon permission problems

The pon command works from the root account but not from the 'michael'
user account (mine's a single user system).  Michael is a member of
group pid and dialout.

When michael executes pon the system issues the following complaint:

You do not have permissions to access /etc/ppp.chatscript or

ls -l on ppp.chatscript:

-rw-------   1 root     root          235 Nov 27 11:54

ls -l on ppp.options_out:

-rw-------   1 root     root          108 Nov 27 12:01

Clearly these files have the wrong permissions or owners.  Which is it?

PS.  I had installed Netscape Communicator vis dpkg (took a while to get
the tar file named correctly).  However, I didn't like the setup because
it wouldn't run as root.  So I deinstalled via dpkg then used the
netscape install script.  Any problems with that?

PPS.  I installed the jdk stuff via dpkg as well.  It took a while to
figure out why Netscape was exiting by itself.  I thought Java was
included with it, why isn't it and why does it crash without it (because
I've got Java module support installed in the kernel?)?

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