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Re: suddenly not working

On Tue, 7 Oct 1997, Lawrence wrote:

> I dont' know why it displays the following errors message when I reboot
> my computer.  It worked before and I didn't change/install anything. 
> Some of the programs, e.g. ICQ, also not running now.  After I restarted
> the X server, things changed.
> Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection
> refused
> unable to register (STARVIEW, STARVIEWVERS, udp).Cannot register
> service: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused
> unable to register (SVPORTMAP, SVPORTMAPVERSION, udp).

Looks like either the portmap daemon is not running or access is being
denied.  In the second case, look at your /etc/host.allow and
/etc/host.deny files.

Jean Pierre

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