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Re: mc problem

On 5 Jul 1997, Michael Harnois wrote:

> Well, I've discovered (accidentally) what crashes and burns on my
> system. Any .deb file which has been on a vfat filesystem will not
> open with mc. If I download a file to a vfat system, I can't open it. If I
> copy it from an ext2fs filesystem to a vfat system, I can't open
> it. If I copy the same file back to the ext2fs system, it won't open
> there, either.

How about using md5sum on the suspect files?  Compare it with what's in
Packages and let us know what you find.

I found the problem and am about to post to the list.

> --
>  Michael D. Harnois, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA
>  mharnois@sbt.net  aa0bt@aa0bt.ampr.org
>  "Few sinners are saved after the first 20 minutes of 
>   a sermon."  --Mark Twain


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