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Re: mc problem

On Sat, 5 Jul 1997, Lindsay Allen wrote:

> Thanks to Paul, Dale, David and Dimitri for your help.  I certainly
> understand things better now and it seems that the problem is not in mc at
> all.  I just wiped every mc related file from my box and installed Paul's
> mc_4.0-linux-1_i386.deb and it behaves in exactly the same way.  There is
> a lot of disk activity when I hit Enter on a .deb so I think the file is
> being opened.  I just don't get to see the result. 
I think you are right that it isn't an mc problem you are having. I just
did a fresh install of the current bo archive. A standard installation,
plus mc and joe, got me an mc that didn't work until I applied the patch I
sent you. At that point it works fine (and on this crummy, limping 486
that I use for testing).

One posibility is that perl is somehow broken. Try re-installing perl and
see if that fixes the problem. I hope it's no more complicated than this.

Keep in touch,

_-_-_-_-_-_-                                          _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  dwarf@polaris.net     Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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