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Re: Stupid Question: Striping Dos ^M From Texts

In message <[🔎] 9706051135.AA00852@Priss.com>, writes:
  >Somewhere in the dank recesses of my mind, I recall
  >a utility that would strip the extra ^M's from a
  >text file copied to a unix box. Well, it seems that
  >Linux also considers these ^M's extranious, is there
  >such a standard utility or do I have to dig even 
  >deeper to remember sed/awk/grep commands?  :^>
In vi:
(where ^V means control-V)

or, again in vi:
or, in ed or sed:
if you are sure that _every_ line ends with an unwanted character.

It seems simpler than installing a special utility.

I expect perl or awk would also offer entertaining solutions!

If you copy from a mounted msdos filesystem, or ftp in ascii mode, you
avoid the problem in the first place.
Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                      http://homepages.enterprise.net/olly

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