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*RFC* - Linux Router Project -  Preliminary discussion

First if there is such a project already please point me towards it if not 
here are my ideas:

LInux is a fine vertical network application OS, but hand building and 
maintaining it from scratch is pain staking. 

I would like to form the Linux Router Project (LRP) to build and 
maintain a turn-key style distribution of Linux for routers, terminal 
servers, and other typically 'embedded' hardware TCP/IP network devices.

The main focus is a minimal space base root fs suitable for floppy, 
eprom, and flashram disks (<=1MB?) and outside maintainence / 
communication tools. (html configuration, RADIUS client, forwarding of logs,
snmp, etc.)

Starting from scratch at this point would be a bit pointless, so what I have
chosen to do, and what the project may see fit to do, is take a base install 
of a pre-exsisting distribution (Debian in my case) and work backwards, 
removing all non critical components and then adding maintenance tools that
seemlessly intergrate with the distribution. 

The project will also look to upgrade critical router software such as 
internal ISDN TA support, and Equal Load Balancing. (EQL)

Elite MicroComputers   908-541-4214      http://www.psychosis.com/emc/

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