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help recovering damaged linux file system

I recently tried to install Win95 over a DOS partition hoping it would
leave my Linux partition alone.  It didn't.  Linux starts booting, then
starts spitting out errors.  If I boot from a floppy, then try to mount, I
also get the errors.  Running e2fsck on the partition gives me _many_
messages such as:

Error reading block 172104 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted
in short read) while doing inode scan.  Ignore error<y>? yes

I haven't let it run to completion as it takes many hours and I don't have
confidence that this will fix it anyway.  Is there any hope for this
partition?  If so what?  Or should I just give up now and re-install?  I
have stuff on there I'd prefer not to lose if possible.



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