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Re: Debian quality

On Sun, 1 Jun 1997, Randy Edwards wrote:

> > compared to upgrading Debian 1.2 to 1.3, it sucks.  To all the kind
> > folks who've spent many long nights making Debian Linux a quality
> > product, thank you.
>    I have to agree.  After switching to Linux I'm constantly impressed
> with everything about Debian (I ran SLS and then Slackware before).  The
> only thing unimpressive about my setup is the operator/sysadmin's lack of 
> knowledge. :-)
>    And, speaking of that, can I ask a stupid question?  Okay.
> What/where/when is Debian 1.3 going to be released?  I'm using 1.2,
> getting upgrades through the net with dselect in its default setup
> pointing at debian.org and the stable, non-free, and contrib
> subdirectories.
>    I read a fragment of one message somewhere that 1.3 is actually in the
> frozen subdirectory; is that true?  If I were to make my dselect point at
> stable, non-free, contrib, and frozen would that cause the upgrade?  Or
> should I wait until it's moved from frozen to stable (anyone know if/when
> that'll be?)?

Just replace stable with frozen in dselect and things should work fine.  I
upgraded by ftp over a ppp link (~39 MB) and it went as slick as can be
(it took a few hours of course.)  

After struggling with two Red Hat upgrades and getting a system which
worked but could only be upgraded by individually upgrading one package at
a time and struggling with dependencies in the process, I am QUITE
impressed.  I had fewer problems than with my original Debian
installation, since there were a few things (like gpm) in stable which
seem broken. 

Installing updates is likewise a piece of cake.


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  w6swe@w6swe.ampr.org
                            AX.25:    w6swe@wb7tls.az.usa.noam

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