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Re: Printing to Win95 printer via samba?

Colin Telmer wrote:
> I have being trying to figure out how to print to a printer attached to a
> networked win95 machine using samba for about 2 hours now and I don't seem
> to be getting anywhere. I was hoping someone could shed some light on the
> matter if I supply some details.
> First of all, I also have win95 on my machine and it prints to the other
> machine fine. So there is no problem on the hardware side.
> The printer I am trying to print to is called HPLIII as listed
> from the output of  "smbclient -L Main" where Main is the server:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> Got a positive name query response from (
> read socket failed. ERRNO=111
> Server time is Thu May  8 18:52:58 1997
> Timezone is UTC-4.0
> Server=[MAIN] User=[] Workgroup=[IIGR] Domain=[IIGR]
>         Sharename      Type      Comment
>         ---------      ----      -------
>         D              Disk
>         HPLIII         Printer
>         IPC$           IPC       Remote Inter Process Communication
>         PRINTER$       Disk
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My first concern is with the read socket failed. But I don't know what to
> do about this (some debuging info below). I have setup a printcap entry as
> specified in the print2win mini-howto with a device created by
> "touch /dev/iigr" as specified in the bottom of that document. The
> printcap entry is:
> iigr|Remote samba printer:\
>         :cm=HP III Printer in IIGR Room 301:\
>         :lp=/dev/iigr:\
>         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/iigr:\
>         :af=/var/spool/lpd/iigr/acct:\
>         :mx#0:\
>         :if=/usr/local/bin/smbprint:
> Question 1: Is acct supposed to be a file that I create or a directory?
> I have also copied smbprint from the /usr/doc/samba/example directory and
> placed it in /usr/local/bin as specified above (my exact smbprint is
> listed at the end of this file).
> my /etc/smb.conf is
> [global]
>    printcap name = /etc/printcap
>    load printers = yes
>    guest account = nobody
>    invalid users = root
> [printers]
>    comment = All Printers
>    browseable = no
>    path = /tmp
>    printable = yes
>    public = no
>    writable = no
>    create mode = 0700
> [hpliii]
>    path = /tmp
>    readonly = yes
>    printable = yes
>    public = true
> and my /var/spool/lpd/iigr/.config is
> server=Main
> service=hpliii
> password=""
> user=terrapin
> So, when I go to print a file using lpr -Piigr foo.txt nothing happens at
> the other end. /var/spool/lpd/iigr/status says "lp is ready and printing"
> and /tmp/smb-print.log states
> server Main, service hpliii
> server Main, service hpliii
> I really don't know what else to add except for the output from testparm,
> the output from "smbclient ////main//hpiii -d 4 -P" and my smbprint file:
> PS. I also tried to use the print command from the prompt in smbclient
> without sucess. Any help is very much appreciated. Cheers, Colin.

I can't solve your problem but I can tell you that errno 111 is
ECONNREFUSED. Connection refused doesn't seem to really make sense.
I've seen this error before from UDP in a CU-SeeMe reflector. I 
didn't have the source so I couldn't see why I'd get it.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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