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Compile error

I have linux 2.0.6 running. I installed it from the kernel image I got
fro ftp.debian.org using dselect. Since it was configured for a 
different hardware setup than mine I decided to reconfigure. I got a new
kernel source 2.0.13 and unpacked it in /usr/src/linux. I also picked
up make-kpkg 2.0.3. I ran make config and satisfied my hardware setup.
Then ran: make-kpkg -r Custom.1 kernel_image. 40 mins later I get this:

as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
make[3] as86: command not found.
make[3] [bootsect.o] Error 127
make[2] *** [boot] Error 2
make[1] *** [build] Error 2
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 2

as not as86 is in my /usr/sbin. I have not been able to locate as86

Any ideas what am doing wrong? BTW I noticed a new vmlinux that is twice
as large as my vmlinuz, so am guessing as86 has something to do with 
compressing vmlinux.


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