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Mail delivery failure

****** Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT ******

Sent >>> RCPT TO: <mariab.asurmendi@bancoval.es>
Received <<< 550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias: mariab.asurmendi@bancoval.es

Could not deliver mail to this user.
*****************     End of message     ***************

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--- Begin Message ---
Have a look at these.

****** Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT ******

** WARNING! Attached file old_photos.zip contains:

     WORM_NETSKY.P virus in compressed file data.rtf                                                                           .scr

   Attempted to clean the file but it is not cleanable.
   It has been deleted.
*****************     End of message     ***************

--- End Message ---

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