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Re: Vim

Y el domingo 11 de febrero, Antonio Lemus escribió:
> Como puedo configurar el vim para que cuando entre me despliegue el texto
> en color sin estar que poniendo en la linea de comando syntax on
Poniendo en ~/.vimrc
----------- CUT ---------------
" Vim
" An example for a vimrc file.
" To use it, copy it to
"     for Unix and OS/2:  ~/.vimrc
"             for Amiga:  s:.vimrc
"  for MS-DOS and Win32:  $VIM\_vimrc

syntax on

----------- CUT -----------------

Y ya puestos le puedes añadir un par de cosillas más.

----------- CUT -----------------

set autowrite
set nowrap
set nocompatible	" Use Vim defaults (much better!)
set bs=2		" allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set ai			" always set autoindenting on
set tw=78		" always limit the width of text to 78
set backup		" keep a backup file
set viminfo='20,\"50	" read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more
			" than 50 lines of registers
set ic                  " Ignore case in searchs
set hlsearch            " Highlight search
set incsearch           " Incremental search
set ruler
set shiftwidth=4
set ts=8
set suffixes=.bak,.BAK,~,.h,.info,.swp,.aux,.bbl,.blg,.dvi,.lof,.log,.lot,.ps,.toc
"----------------  Mapping -----------	      
map Q gq
map I :let @a=line(".")<CR>:%!indent<CR>@agg
map c :w:!ispell %:e %
--------------- CUT ---------------


Luis Arocha Hernandez "Data" <larocha@wanadoo.es>, Islas Canarias - Spain
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