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OSZALEJE mod-throttle

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ja oszaleje ...

kto mi powie gdzie tkwi blad w konfiguracji apacha 1.3.33
kompilowany z obsluga modulow modul mod_throttle zaladowany do

LoadModule throttle_module    libexec/mod_throttle.so
AddModule mod_throttle.c

ThrottlePolicy none
<Location /throttle-status>
SetHandler throttle-status

apache startuje

pod www.domena.pl/server-info
odnosnie mod_throttle mam:

Module Name: mod_throttle.c
Content handlers: throttle-me , throttle-info , throttle-status , throttle-client-ip , throttle-remote-user 
Configuration Phase Participation: Child Init, Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Translate Path, Check Access, Verify User ID, Verify User Access, Check Type, Fixups, Logging
Module Directives: 
ThrottleClientIP - Specify global throttle pool size, policy, limit, and period for all client IP connections. 
ThrottleContentType - Content-Type of throttle display, or use /throttle-status?content-type=text/plain 
ThrottleIndicator - Set % threshold for green, yellow, red, and critical alerts. 
ThrottleLockFile - The lock file used with fcntl() or flock() serialization. Must be stored on a local disk. 
ThrottleMaxDelay - Set max. delay threshold in seconds before refusing connections. 
ThrottlePolicy - Select policy, limit, and period. 
ThrottleRefresh - Refresh time in seconds, or use /throttle-status?refresh=sec 
ThrottleRemoteUser - Specify global throttle pool size, policy, limit, and period for all authenticated remote users. 
ThrottleRuntimeFile - The runtime data file used across shutdowns and restarts. 
ThrottleUser - Specify user to throttle according to policy, limit, and period. 
Current Configuration: 
ThrottlePolicy none

virtualki laduje do httpd.conf tak:

Include /var/lib/apache/conf/virtualki

i tam wpisy dla odpowienich domen

i przykladowo daje w jednej z nich:

ThrottlePolicy Volume 250G 30d
<Location /throttle-me>
SetHandler throttle-me

i niestety wpisujac glowna domene servera:

www.domena.pl/throttle-status dostaje blad 404

a takze wpisujac virtualke www.virtualka.pl/throttle-me tez dostaje

powoli juz w glowie mam 404 same ktos mi pomoze ??? bo na googlach
znalazlem to:

ale nie bardzo mi pomoglo ...

 bieniu gras

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