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Re: Upstream front desk: viable?

On ma, 2011-05-02 at 09:08 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> Personally I would prefer to keep the list and use/advertise it
> better. As a start I've mentioned it in the introduction of the
> upstream guide as a place to send questions.

ACK. If we are to be viable, we need to be a bit more active, I think.
Updating the UpstreamGuide page on the wiki sounds like a good first
step. After that, perhaps we should make sure the page and this list
gets mentioned in relevant places on the Debian web site? Not sure what
those places should be.

> Also, I note that several parts of the upstream guide are placeholders
> for things we want to mention but haven't written yet. How about we
> organise an IRC plus gobby/etherpad/whiteboard meeting to improve the
> upstream guide?

Please suggest a time (preferably between 10:00-22:00 UTC) some day this
week, and we'll do that.

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