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Bug#598351: texlive-latex-base: Error when using lmodern fonts together with T1 fontenc

On 05/08/2019 17:18, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
Am 04.08.2019 um 21:39 teilte Hilmar Preuße mit:
Am 28.09.2010 um 14:30 teilte Eugen Dedu mit:


Does this address work?

I have an error when using lmodern fonts together with T1 fontenc (as
required by French babel to have correct hyphenation on accentuated
characters).  When using pdflatex or latex on the following text:

It is still unclear why the mf files from the EC fonts are used, when
lmodern fonts are requested. I forwarded the question to tex.sx.


Update: add the following line right after loading the lmodern package
then it works:


Now I have texlive-latex-recommended installed (it is needed by several other packages), and there is no error. Do you want me to do something?


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