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Bug#497580: dvips gives ugly warnings when home is not readable

Am 02.09.2008 um 22:45 teilte Frank Küster mit:

Hi Frank,

I don't see this error message any more in recent build logs. The reason
is probably b/c there is "HOME=/sbuild-nonexistent" . Do you think that
bug is still relevant and needs to be addressed?


> Michael Tautschnig <mt@debian.org> wrote:
>> Hi TeX-Maintainers,
>> You should have received the message I'm herewith elaborating on just a few
>> minutes ago.
>> I've been with you because of the font issue, which was indeed resolved by
>> adding texlive-fonts-recommended.
>> [...]
>>>>> Could you please take a short look at
>>>>> http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?&pkg=ppl&ver=0.9-4&arch=amd64&stamp=1215163252&file=log
>>>>> and possibly try to re-schedule ppl for another attempt?
>>>> It seems to contain:
>>>> /home/buildd/.dvipsrc: Permission denied
>>>> While /home doesn't exist on the buildds.  Please avoid writing anything
>>>> there.
>>> Sure, I guess I need to forward this one to the TeX maintainers (CC'ed), because
>>> this is just an artifact of building the PDF documentation.
>> So, it's not causing an FTBFS (at least I guess this is not the case), but it's
>> strange anyway: What is trying to read from /home/buildd? It's running pdftex at
>> that very moment, I think.
> It's rather dvips, if it reads dvipsrc. But that doesn't seem to be
> anything but an ugly warning.

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