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Bug#757041: texlive-latex-base-doc: grfguide.pdf doesn't have some of the graphics in it

Am 04.08.2014 um 22:44 teilte Julian Gilbey mit:


> The version of grfguide.pdf in texmf-dist/doc/latex/graphics (in the 
> source package, and from there into the binary) does not have the 
> image of the letter "A" in the examples on page 10.  The upstream 
> version seems to have mostly-corrected this very recently, by 
> switching to using a.pdf instead of a.ps.  But it still refers to
> a.ps in the text - I'll report that upstream.
Seems to be solved meanwhile. Can we close the bug?

#206401 http://counter.li.org

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