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Bug#702202: Acknowledgement (texlive-binaries: mendex manpage completely unreadable)

It is euc-jp, interpreted as latin1, converted to utf-8, according to
mirabilos who appears to have faced enough horror in this world to
recognize that ;) ...

The mapage can be read using (a variant of):

 $ zcat /usr/share/man/man1/mendex.1.gz | iconv -f utf-8 -t latin1 | iconv -f euc-jp -t utf-8 | nroff -mandoc | less

Please note that not shipping a readable man page violates DPM 12.1, although it only has a SHOULD.


* mirabilos is handling my post-1990 smartphone *
<mirabilos> Aaah, it vibrates! Wherefore art thou, demonic device??

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