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Re: Request to join the TeX Task Force

Hello Norbert,

On Tuesday 24 January 2012 03:50:39 Norbert Preining wrote:
> welcome!

Many thanks!

> Fedora: Which, BTW, is complete rubbish, I have to tell them. The
> classify ptex as non-free, and state that it is "chinese" grrr... its
> Japanese, and there is a English Copyright statement.
> I don't see much win in re-doing what Feora did. Fedora reported to
> the upstream TL mailing list, we (upstream) TL have acted upon that
> by:
> - fixing/uploading new versions with fixed copyright
> - removing definitely non-free stuff from TL
> so the license auditing should be done on TL (upstream) level,
> not each distribution by itself.

I'm sorry for the Fedora part, I didn't know their wiki was in so bad state 

> Thus, I suggest you to:
> - join the upstream texlive mailing list
> - read through the thread started by Jindrich (fedora) on that topic
> - help tracking down missing things
> - fix it in TL upstream.

Many thanks for the hints. I just joined the upstream texlive mailing list. 
I will read the thread started by Jindrich and I will ask there how I can 

> > My alioth login is eriol-guest: I'm sending a request to join also
> > through the alioth join project page.
> I am not overly happy to immediately add you out of the simple reason
> that this also allows access to the svn repository. But I have you
> added anyway.

I'm sorry again. I just used the way to join the team for the Debian Python 
Module Team.

I looked for some package to adopt but at first I missed tipa[¹]: I would 
like to adopt it and maintain under the umbrella of the TeX Task Force 
(with Debian TeX Maintainers <debian-tex-maint@lists.debian.org> as 
maintainer). Can I use the team's SVN for tipa?

I will remove my membership from the alioth project if you consider it 
dangerous: I'm here to help and I will follow all the TeX Task Force 
policies :)

Thanks for your response!

Kind regards,

[¹] #534384
 Daniele Tricoli 'Eriol'

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