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Re: [tex-live] Conflicting binary/format names: platex is polish and japanese

"SW" == Staszek Wawrykiewicz writes:

 SW> Hmm, I reported that problem some years ago, but failed to
 SW> receive any answer...  1. ptex (and Japanese platex) is not
 SW> available on CTAN 2. that has never been a part of teTeX
 SW> 3. Polish platex package (and format) has been available on teTeX
 SW> for ~10 years (or perhaps more). It is also available on CTAN.
 SW> 4. I know that *some* Linux distributions added ptex to *changed*
 SW> teTeX, but unfortunatelly without rethinking things. Sorry, both
 SW> Thomas and me cannot care what silly things people can do.

 SW> Of course I would be happy if we can find any consent for future
 SW> distributions.

i wonder why a special format is needed for (Polish) platex at all?
why can't you just use the standard latex format, like all other languages?
looking at platex.ini, it just loads latex.ltx.

are there technical reasons why platex is needed, and the standard
latex is not sufficient?


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